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Friday, December 20, 2013

Hair Trip!

So, basically, as two asians who try to stay blonde, life is pretty hard. In about every one month, the something can not be ignored called "root" shows up, and since then you look failed no matter what you wear. This is the time we have to visit our dear salon and spend the inevitable fortune. Luckily, there is an awesome salon right next to our home, and in which the greatest hairstylist/magician Ronnie works. Ronnie brings dead hair alive and fix the color disaster we do to ourselves. 

Yesterday, Das and I went on our monthly hair trip together, and spent 7 HOURS straight sitting in the salon. The reason why it took so long was mysterious, but I was the main cause of it; apparently I had a portion of red from few month ago that cannot be erased, plus the root I have three colors on my head. For Das, she just simply has shitty hair(just kidding(no it's true)). Anyways, after sitting through day and night, the result has given us satisfaction. I was actually too thrilled that I almost ran without paying. 

This is me sitting in the salon, being a princess, served by the magic hands:

The make-over was extraordinary, Ronnie helped me remove all the yellow(and red and everything) and left me perfect grey hair. Knowing that grey does not stay, I may keep not washing hair as long as I can(just kidding(no I mean it)). 

This is how it looks: 

In this look:
Long Sleeve Jersey Tee: 5cm (similar here)
White Shorts: Random Brand (similar here or here)
Shoes: Prada(this one is better)


  1. oh my god the grey hair is soo pretty! and my friends thinks that me wanting to dye my hair grey is crazy, clearly they've not seen this
