So, This happend like this.
I went to Dva's house, and as soom as I arrived she asked me to wrap her Chirstmas gifts......which she bought for someone else. Yes, NOT MINE and I wrapped gifts for someone that I don't even know. Of course she had the reason. Before, I volunteered for gift wrapping once when I was in high school and she knew it. But there is something that she didn't know. I SUCKED at it. All I did was playing with wrapping tapes and fucking up the nice wrapping papers for no reason. I still got the volunteer hours tho.
Anyway, She wanted me to wrap it like a pro , but only thing she had was two kinds of wrapping paper and some cheap ass dollar store pompoms ( so I opened my laptop and googled some nice gift wrapping ideas.
So here's the results, and I would like to share some awesome ideas that I found on google.

1. Paper Bow Tie
This is really easy but effective idea for the gifts. If you go to this link it has the tutorial and templates for the print. I didn't print it out but I drew it on the wrapping paper, cut it out, and put it together.It only takes 2-3 min to make one. So If you want to add some nice decor for the gift, you should check this post on How About Orange.
2. Star shaped ribbon
Well, the truth is this takes time. It might be easier to buy it and glue it since it's like a dollar for 6 of them in dollar stores. But WHY they always have to be in tacky colours? Seriously, it's always red, pink or green.If I buy one from dollar store and glued on it, it could have been so easy and quick, and it would have totally ruined the style. So I decided to make one with the same paper. Actually making this was kinda fun..only if you are a craft junkie.
The Craftinomicon has very nice tutorial that you can follow step by step.
Mind that she made it more curvy and I made it more pointy by making the loop tighter.
3. Cheap ass pom-pom decor
Dva is not a craft person for sure. And somehow she had a bag of pom-poms.But nothing else and still she asked me for 'something that looks super cute awesome'.
So i glued some pom-poms everywhere (honestly I got tired after wrapping two things already.)
And it looked fine.......I
4. Cheap ass pom-pom decor but trying to be fancy
Glued it to bow shape, and made a string by sewing pom-poms together.Being Cheap and Lazy.
Well, so this is it.
Dva liked it, and I heard people who got these liked it, too.
Problem is, I haven't started christmas shopping yet and it's 23rd. I'm so screwed.
So I'm going to buy whatever shit I can find tomorrow and use same ideas for wrapping them.
Great last minute ideas, right?
You are welcome.
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